Lightning Enzymes are produced by award-winning “Synergy Company” under the leadership of Dr. Mitchell May.
Lightning Enzyme contains enzyme activity that is 10-100 times more than common enzyme supplements.
- Reinforcing nutrient acquisition
- Breakdown of protein, fats, carbohydrates and sugars
- Promoting metabolism, blood circulation, cellular vitality, and overall health and wellness
- Supports healthy detoxification
- Promotes a healthy inflammation response
- Helping to balance pH
Suggested Use:
1 capsule daily before each meal.
For special needs, take one or more capsules in-between meals.
Further increase intake for recovery from injury, inflammation or infection.
Take Note:
Do not use if you are pregnant, suffer from gastric ulcer or are protease-sensitive.
能量之光酵素是由梅博士经过深入广泛研究,由其领导的获奖厂家Synergy Company完成的优良酵素补充品。能量之光酵素的强力活性比一般酵素多10至100倍。
- 促进营养物质分解及吸收
- 帮助蛋白质,脂肪,淀粉及糖的分解
- 促进新陈代谢,加强血液循环,促进细胞的活力
- 促进排毒功能
- 具抗發炎功效
- 维持体液的酸碱平衡
- 对各种创伤,尤其是内伤的恢复有明显作用
建议用量:每天每次饭前服用1粒,特别情况可于两餐之间再补充一或多粒。受伤,发炎,感染者可增加用量 。